Friday, March 27, 2015

Frugal Friday - Savin' the Gravy

Hubby is french and some how that constitutes a love for gravy.  Gravy often LOL
I found that we generally have a tiny bit left over and while it really costs pennies to make it it also requires time and electricity etc.  So rather than just toss it into the garbage, compost etc I started to keep a two cup container in the door of our freezer and these little bits of left over gravy get added to this container.

Now you may wonder what will I do with it...well another thing that seems to go with being french is a love for Shepherd's Pie.  
So this is the gravy that I use to make Shepherd's Pie!

No waste when it comes to the gravy in our house!  
Silly but frugal at the same time.

Have a Frugal Week - see you next Friday with another tip!
Have fun and be sure to share the love!

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