Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Our Date!

My Handsome Man and I met, he proposed and we tied the knot all on the same date, one year apart from each other.  I always thought this was very cool and have often joked that it means only one date to remember.

I have seen some cool ways to display this information and I wanted to do this but just didn't 'like' any for our home.  So I spent almost a year planning and even trying a few different ways and designs...and this is the one that I settled on!

It was actually very easy to pull together...and I didn't spend any money directly on it as I had everything I needed already!  Always a bonus!

This is all I needed...
  • Old Window
  • Black Paint
  • Black Vinyl
  • Letters
  What do you think?  
This would make a nice handmade and original 
anniversary or wedding gift!

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