Friday, March 20, 2015

Frugal Friday - Covering Pans in the Oven

Welcome to my Frugal Fridays!

This week's tip I am going to share is one that saves tinfoil!  

I cook in glass a lot.  Those glass cake pans - 8 x 8's, 9 x 13's etc.  You can buy them with plastic lids for when you need to cover what you already cooked...but what about covering WHAT you are cooking when it is in the oven?

You use tin foil, right? This began to bother me for a few reasons and then it donned on me...

Cookie sheets from the dollar store that fit over the pans.  Now you are asking...didn't I already have cookie sheets?  yes but commercial grade so they are larger than normal and quite heavy so I went to dollar store ones because they are smaller and lighter and do the job perfectly and I hardly use foil now!

A $2 - $3 investment and now I hardly use foil and that makes it healthier for us and the environment because even though I was recycling the foil I wasn't lessening our carbon foot print - now I am!

Have a Frugal Week - see you next Friday with another tip!

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