Friday, March 20, 2015

Frugal Friday - Welcome to my Frugal Fridays!

Now is that ever an odd looking and sounding word?

Well it is what it is.
By definition it is prudently saving or sparing; not being wasteful.  Okay so we know that!  But how do you actually be frugal?  Live a frugal life?  Or better a frugal life simply!
If you have read the 'About Me' section of my blog you know that I am a stay at home wife now, due to the five chronic health conditions that took it upon themselves to hit a plateau in 2013 and allow me to be forced out of the work force.  Nice of them giving me some notice or ask my opinion LOL  But that is many other stories for another day or other days.

there went quite a bit of our income out of our home on the hill.  I have tried many things since being at home to help that situation out but all have been epic fails for one reason or another which tends to lead to depressions but the one thing I can do is run the house on less income.

Welcome to my Frugal Fridays!
Every week I learn and think of more ways to be frugal.  So now I am going to share these weekly golden tips that work for me and my family.  Perhaps you will see something that you haven't before, or even a different spin on something you've seen before.

All of my tips are frugal and will save money but some will also help you save time, simplify your life and even lesson your carbon foot print all at the same time.   Ultimately though, they are frugal!

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